The most versatile player on the most versatile team, the Human Lineman boasts solid, if unspectacular, attributes across the board: cheap, agile enough, fairly mobile and tough enough to hold a line. Lineman 50,000 gold maximum 16 per team MA6, ST3, AG3, AV8 No Skills access to General Skills on level-ups They suffer from an obvious lack of specialisation, and can often be passive in games, responding to their foes’ weaknesses rather than imposing their own will on a game, but they are excellent teams for a rookie coach, that can be developed into powerhouses with the right levels. They have an array of solid starting players, notably their Blitzers and Catchers, and between them and the Throwers their teams have easy access to the Agility, Passing and Strength skill trees, allowing them to develop in a number of directions. Sitting between 5 th and 10 th in each of my incredibly objective and useful categories, the Humans are a race comfortable adapting their gameplan to a range of opponents, and will rarely be caught off guard.